Here is the challenge: what would you do if you had to settle a huge and massive funny festival inside the beautiful and calm Japanese crops? There is a wide range of proposals to do. 
Symbiosis is what we are looking for. The proposal aims to improve farmes' life by providing them with a living and transformable agricultural infrastructure. That means: on summer each farmer lives in this agricultural infrastructure, helping him to water and store his crops. On winter, on the other hand, while snow covers everything, infrastructure becomes a big house for up to 100 people.
100 farmers on summer, 10000 (100x100) guests on winter.
Is it sustainable? Yes, thanks to the inverse relationship between production and population density. When the output level is maximum , the level of consumption is minimal. The relationship is reversed with the arrival of winter. The farmer sells his crop leaving empty stores for a new springtime!

Una estrategia climática y expansiva que permite ocupar un area muy fria, un mecanismo de control agricolo, un sistema que sea ampliable, esporádicamente, a grandes eventos de al menos 10.000 personas. Se van desarrollando escenarios de alta densidad, pero que a la vez sean sensibles con el territorio.
Cada "chisme" aloja a un campesino y sus herramientas en verano y se convierte en parte de una infraestructura capaz de alojar de modo esporádico un festival en invierno.

2015 - UPM ETSAM Madrid 
Team: Andrea Perales, Ismael Santos, Francesca Gurzoni

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